Virtual Bingo On Zoom
- Jackbox Games' Drawful 2. Through April 11, 2020, Jackbox Games is offering Drawful 2 is.
- Matthew McConaughey led a virtual game of bingo via Zoom for residents at Enclave at Round Rock Senior Living in Texas. McConaughey called the letter-number combinations from his kitchen, joined.
A Temple parent thought up a way for children to play Bingo on ZOOM with each other.
Here are the instructions, in case you want to create your own Bingo group:
Create a 5×5 grid. Put Bingo on top. The children can pick which numbers they want to put in the letter columns, using the following guidelines:
Zoom Bingo Template
Under B, choose 5 numbers between 1-15, put the numbers in the 5 boxes.
Under I, choose 5 numbers between 16-30, put them in the boxes.
Under N in the middle box, put “free space” and then, in the 4 remaining boxes, chooses 4 numbers between 31-45.
Under G, choose 5 numbers between 46-60, put them in the boxes.
Under O chooses 5 numbers between 61-75, put them in the boxes.
Before the ZOOM-enabled Bingo game began, all the children made their own Bingo cards at home. The parent gave a time, the sign in, called out the numbers, and the fun began!
If you are looking for a slick and fun-filled virtual event for your private party or company event, you've come to the right place. I have the most successful Zoom Bingo show in the world and regularly host virtual events for celebrities and Fortune 500 companies like Cisco, eBay, Diageo, Gumtree, Clairol, Mac Cosmetics, Netflix, Disney, Docusign, Meraki etc.
Virtual Bingo Night (Zoom)
B-I-N-G-O = F-U-N!
Join us May 9 on Zoom for this synagogue FUN-raiser. A portion of the proceeds will benefit our Social Action Committee's efforts during the pandemic.
$20 for four Bingo cards on a single sheet; one sheet per person will enable multiple chances for household members to win.
Cash prizes!
Registration required by Thursday, May 7. Bingo cards will be emailed on Friday, May 8 to all confirmed and paid participants. This event is open to M'kor Shalom members and their guests.
Virtual Bingo Game For Group
Payment will be accepted via Venmo @Sarah-Zalcmann (event co-chair), or via credit card below. If you choose to pay via Venmo, be sure to also email Sarah Zalcmann so she can be on the lookout for your payment and keep your email address on file for Bingo card distribution.
We will enjoy Havdalah at 7:45 pm before our Bingo games start promptly at 8:00 pm.
Questions? Please contact event co-chairs Lisa Weiser or Sarah Zalcmann.
Note: You will need to print out the Bingo sheet in advance to participate.
BINGO Sponsorships
- Regular Bingo $36
- Special Bingo $72
- Final Game $136
- Virtual Bingo Night
May 9, 2020
7:45 pm
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